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Policy research agenda


Teacher wellbeing: Prioritizing teacher wellbeing is crucial because when educators are emotionally and physically supported, they can better foster a positive learning environment, inspire students, and enhance their overall educational experience.

Career progression: Teachers’ career progression not only enriches their professional growth but also enhances their ability to deliver higher-quality education and positively influences the lives of their students.

Professional Learning: Developing teachers’ knowledge, skills, and abilities empowers them to improve their practice, stay updated with the latest teaching methodologies, and continuously build expertise, leading to more effective and impactful teaching.

Systemic Factors: Examining all systemic factors that impact directly and/or indirectly teacher wellbeing and career, including curricula, assessment, policies, technology integration, support, school leadership, parent-school relationships, and all other factors that impact the quality of education.

Index and Measures

The Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory Index is an online questionnaire collecting live answers and saving them into a database. The index will be updated periodically to ensure is current and addresses the key issues in education and teacher wellbeing. 

  • Demographics (e.g., sex, age, salary range, level of education, no. of students in class, education level of school, type of setting, etc.)
  • Career progression (i.e., work position, years of experience, type of contract, employment status, career progression the last 5 years, career prospect the next 5 years etc.)
  • Professional development (i.e., participation in professional development activities, hours of participation, incentives from school etc.)
  • Teacher Subjective Wellbeing Questionnaire (TSWQ)
  • The PERMA Profiler
  • The Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)
  • Consider to add a scale that measures teachers’ job satisfaction
  • Open questions (i.e., biggest challenges, suggestions)

Complete Questionnaire

Wellbeing Observatory Report 2024

The wellbeing observatory report is a biennial report including the measurements as documented through the Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory Index.

Download report

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Project Number : 626146-EPP-1-2020-2-EL-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY

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