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Material didático

Bem-vindo à nossa secção de material didático! Aqui, pode explorar uma coleção abrangente de materiais educativos relevantes disponíveis em todas as línguas representadas no nosso observatório. Estes materiais abrangem vários temas e níveis de aprendizagem, oferecendo recursos valiosos para educadores e alunos.

Conjuntos de ferramentas e manuais

PBS-ECEC: Guide on Positive Behaviour Support in Early Childhood and Care

PBS-ECEC Guide constitutes a planning tool for educators in early childhood education settings, which includes a practical source of information that supports the creation of a proactive programme-wide and high-quality classroom environment, where Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) is promoted. In particular, the PBS-ECEC Guide proposes practices that will help preschool educators to promote the social and emotional competence of all children and restructure the ECEC environments in order to make them more predictable, positive and safe for preschool children.

Resilient Preschools Project: Toolkit for Preschool teachers aiming to cultivate resilience and character strengths in young children.

The RESILIENT PRESCHOOL Toolkit will include useful information and practical applications for Preschool Teachers in order to teach children how to strengthen their psychological resilience and improve their overall wellbeing. The Toolkit will be based on their needs and will offer a variation of Positive Psychology concepts and PERMA wellbeing model, especially tailored for preschool children. It will consist of a chapter for each of PERMA’s 5 core pillars of wellbeing and happiness: (P)Positive Emotions, (E)Engagement, (R)Relationships, (M) Meaning, (A) Accomplishment.

Resilient Preschools Training Package for enhancing preschool teachers’ skills on how to foster resilience and wellbeing in their students

An attractive Training Package that equips the participating pre-school teachers with skills, strategies and techniques that derive from PERMA evidenced based wellbeing Model and Character Education theories in order to improve their student’s overall wellbeing and school experience.

The Training Package is be divided in 5 core modules:

  1. Resilience and mindfulness (self-regulation, mental agility)
  2. Character strengths and values
  3. Positive emotions (e.g., gratitude, optimism)
  4. Positive relationships (e.g., kindness, empathy)
  5. Achievement & Self-Esteem

Teacher Guide:


UNICEF ECARO: Ten mental health and well-being tips for teacehrs

As schools reopen, it is important to prioritise and commit to taking care of your mental health and well-being.

UNICEF: Self-care tips for teachers

How to ease anxiety and reduce the impact of stress on your health.

UNICEF (2022) calls for greater investments in teachers, and protecting teachers’ mental health and wellbeing.

Every year, on World Teachers’ Day, we are reminded of the critical role teachers play in achieving inclusive, quality education for all, and helping all students reach their potential.

UNICEF: 8 ways teachers can support students’ mental health during COVID-19 school returns

Transitioning back to in-person classroom learning.

UNICEF: Mental Health Toolkit for Teachers

For every child, a healthy mind.

OECD: How can education systems better understand teachers’ well-being?

OECD’s Better Life Index

The OECD’s Better Life Index allows you to compare well-being across countries based on 11 topics that the OECD has identified as essential.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Guidance Note for Teacher Wellbeing in Emergency Settings

This INEE Minimum Standards-aligned Guidance Note is an opportunity to put teacher wellbeing at the center of our response and recovery efforts in conflict and crisis affected settings. Not just because an investment in teachers is an investment in children and adolescents, but because at this moment in history teachers deserve our unparalleled attention as an end unto itself.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Landscape Review: Teacher Well-being in Low Resource, Crisis, and Conflict-affected Settings

This landscape review, which was commissioned by the Education Equity Research Initiative, serves as a first step in filling the evidence gap by building an understanding of teacher well-being in low resource, crisis, and conflict-affected contexts and identifying the individual and contextual factors that may influence well-being.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: teacher wellbeing in emergency settings: findings from a resource mapping and gap analysis

The Teacher Wellbeing Tools & Resources Mapping maps the existing body of work on teacher wellbeing by collecting existing resources, tools, and policy or advocacy documents that address teacher wellbeing in emergency settings and presenting them in one place. The gap analysis report captures the findings from the resource mapping, and presents a set of 13 key recommendations to guide the next phase of the project where INEE will create new practical guidance and tools that focus on teacher well-being through a social-ecological lens in consultation with teachers themselves.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Teachers in Crisis Contexts Training for Primary School Teachers

It is comprised of an Introductory Training Pack and four core modules, developed around a set of 28 teacher competencies that underwent systematic review where it was field-tested in Iraq and Kenya and externally reviewed by a range of EiE specialists. The Training Pack includes a facilitator’s guide, participant handbook and PowerPoint slides for each component of the training.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: WHO Five Wellbeing Index (Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2012)

In 1982 the WHO European Regional Office initiated a European multicenter trial of two different insulin deliverance methods. One of the study objectives was to compare well-being and quality of life in connection with each treatment.

For this purpose a 28-item WHO Well-Being Questionnaire was developed to assess both positive and negative well-being. Further analysis identified ten items in the 28-item WHO questionnaire which belonged to an overall index of positive and negative well-being in a single uni-dimensional scale.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources: Toolkit for Humanitarian Settings

While mental health and psychosocial problems are common in all communities of the world, these problems are much more frequent among people who have faced adversity, such as exposure to a humanitarian crisis. A key element of responding to these problems is a better understanding of needs and resources. WHO and UNHCR receive frequent requests from the field to advise on assessment of mental health and psychosocial issues in humanitarian settings.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Learning and Well-Being in Emergencies: Resource Kit

The ‘Learning & Wellbeing in Emergencies’ toolkit (LWiE) focuses on building and measuring early foundational literacy skills, alongside social emotional learning, in emergency contexts with a particular focus on community engagement as a key support for children.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Mainstreaming Psychosocial Care and Support: Within the Education Sector and Teacher Training Guide

Through this series, REPSSI strives to publish high-quality, user-friendly, evidence-based manuals and guidelines, all characterised by subject matter that can be said to address the issue of psychosocial wellbeing. Within the series, different publications are aimed at different levels of audience or user. This audience includes: 1) community workers, 2) a variety of social actors whose work is not explicitly psychosocial in nature, but in which it is felt to be crucial to raise awareness around psychosocial issues, 3) caregivers, parents, youth and children, 4) specialised psychosocial and mental health practitioners. Apart from formal impact assessments, towards further developing the evidence base for our tools and approaches, we welcome user feedback around our materials.

Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies: Improving Wellbeing Through Education – Integrating Community Based Psychosocial Support into Education in Emergencies.

This document develops the use of the Community Based approach to Psychosocial Support (CBPS) in educational settings and presents FCA’s experiences in improving well-being through education in various countries.

Education Support: Teacher Wellbeing Index

This annual Teacher Wellbeing Index provides an insight into the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and education staff working in the UK.

School Education Gateway: European Toolkit for Schools


Bem-vindo à nossa Secção de Leituras. Aqui, encontrará uma coleção diversificada de artigos e livros relevantes em todas as línguas representadas no nosso observatório. Estas leituras abrangem uma vasta gama de temas, proporcionando conhecimentos e perspectivas valiosos.


Michael, D., Nikiforou, M., Charalambous, V., & Vrasidas, C. (2023). Contextual Adaptations to Implement SWPBS With Fidelity: The Case of Cyprus. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 0(0).

Michael, D., Nikiforou, M., Charalambous, V., & Vrasidas, C. (in press). Contextual Adaptations to Implement SWPBS with Fidelity: The Case of Cyprus. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions.

Michael, D., Goutas, T., Tsigilis, N., Michaelidou, V., Gregoriadis, A., Charalambous, V., & Vrasidas, C. (2023). Effects of the Universal Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports on Collective Teacher Efficacy. Psychology in the Schools, 1–18.

Ansari, A., Pianta, R. C., Whittaker, J. V., Vitiello, V. E., & Ruzek, E. A. (2020). Preschool Teachers’ Emotional Exhaustion in Relation to Classroom Instruction and Teacherchild Interactions. Early Education and Development, 1-14.

Bayly, B. L., Dizon, E., Shrestha, G., Smith, C. L., Tekle, S., & Rhoades Cooper, B. (2020). Leveraging self-determination theory to understand which preschool teachers benefit most from a professional development intervention. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 1-19.

Biringen, Z., Altenhofen, S., Aberle, J., Baker, M., Brosal, A., Bennett, S., & Swaim, R. (2012). Emotional availability, attachment, and intervention in center-based child care for infants and toddlers. Developmental Psychopathology, 23-34.

Cassidy, D. J., King, E. K., Wang, Y. C., Lower, J. K., & Kintner-Duffy, V. L. (2016). Teacher work environments are toddler learning environments: teacher professional well-being, classroom emotional support, and toddlers’ emotional expressions and behaviours. Early Child Development and Care, 187(11), 1666-1678.

Chen, S., Phillips, B., & Izci, B. (2018). Teacher–child relational conflict in Head Start – exploring the roles of child behaviour, teacher stress, and bias, and classroom environment. Early Child Development and Care, 1174-1186.

Clarke, C., & Miho, A. (2019). Good practice for good jobs in early childhood education and care. OECD, Paris, France.

Egert, F., Fukkink, R. G., & Eckhardt, A. G. (2018). Impact of In-Service Professional Development Programs for Early Childhood Teachers on Quality Ratings and Child Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis. Review of Educational Research, 88(3), 401-433.

Ehrlich, S. B., Pacchiano, D., Stein, A. G., Wagner, M. R., Park, S., Frank, E., Luppescu, S., & Young, C. (2018). Early Education Essentials: Validation of Surveys Measuring Early Education Organizational Conditions. Early Education and Development, 30(4), 540- 567.

ET2020 Working group (2021). Early Childhood Education and Care: How to recruit, train and motivate well-qualified staff. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, European Commission. doi:10.2766/489043

Hamre, B. K., Partee, A., & Mulcahy, C. (2017). Enhancing the Impact of Professional Development in the Context of Preschool Expansion. AERA Open, 3(4).

Turner, K., & Theilking, M. (2019). Teacher wellbeing: Its effects on teaching practice and student learning. Issues in Educational Research, 29(3), 938-960.

McCallum, F., & Price, D. (2010). Well teachers, well students. The Journal of Student Wellbeing, 4(1), 19-34.

Goodman, F. R., Disabato, D. J., Kashdan, T. B., & Kauffman, S. B. (2018). Measuring wellbeing: A comparison of subjective well-being and PERMA. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 13(4), 321-332.

Falecki, D., & Mann, E. (2020). Practical applications for building teacher wellbeing in education. Cultivating Teacher Resilience, 175.

Charalambous, V., Stalikas, A., & Vrasidas, C. (2021, July 13 – 16). The design and implementation of a program to enhance teachers’ wellbeing. 42nd Annual Conference of the International School Psychology Association [Paper presentation]. ISPA 2021: Nicosia, Cyprus.

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (2020). Supporting educator wellbeing: Supporting educator wellbeing through these challenging times. Retrieved from:

Mehdinezhad ,V. (2012). Relationship between High School teachers’ wellbeing and teachers’ efficacy. Acta Scientiarum. Education [online], vol.34, n.02, pp.233-241.

Soini T., Pyhältö K., & Pietarinen, J. (2010). Pedagogical well‐being: reflecting learning and well‐being in teachers’ work, Teachers and Teaching, 16(6), 735-751, DOI: 10.1080/13540602.2010.517690.

Naghieh A, Montgomery P, Bonell CP, Thompson M, Aber JL. (2015). Organisational interventions for improving wellbeing and reducing work‐related stress in teachers. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 4. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD010306.pub2.

Spilt, J.L., Koomen, H.M.Y. & Thijs, J.T. Teacher Wellbeing: The Importance of Teacher–Student Relationships. Educ Psychol Rev 23, 457–477 (2011).

Spilt, J.L., Koomen, H.M.Y. & Thijs, J.T. (2011). Teacher Wellbeing: The Importance of Teacher–Student Relationships. Educational Psychology Review, 23, 457–477.

Jerrim, J., Sims, S., Taylor, H. & Allen, R. (2021). Has the mental health and wellbeing of teachers in England changed over time? New evidence from three datasets, Oxford Review of Education, 47(6), 805-825. DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2021.1902795

Sheffield, D., Dobbie, D. & Carroll, D. (1994). Stress, social support, and psychological and physical wellbeing in secondary school teachers, Work & Stress, 8(3), 235-243. DOI: 10.1080/02678379408259995

Jerrim, J., Sims, S., Taylor, H. & Allen, R. (2020). How does the mental health and wellbeing of teachers compare to other professions? Evidence from eleven survey datasets. Review of Education, 8, p.659-689.

Milfont, T.L., Denny, S., Ameratunga, S. et al. (2008). Burnout and Wellbeing: Testing the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory in New Zealand Teachers. Social Indicators Research, 89, pages169–177.


Rankin, J.G. (2022). First Aid for Teacher Burnout: How You Can Find Peace and Success (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Jennings, P. A. (2015). Mindfulness for teachers: simple skills for peace and productivity in the classroom. New York, W.W. Norton & Company.

Street, H. (2018). CONTEXTUAL WELLBEING: Creating Positive Schools from the Inside Out. Australia, Lightning source Inc.

Street, H. (2017) Measures of Success: Exploring The Importance Of Context In The Delivery Of Wellbeing And Social And Emotional Learning Programs In Australian Primary And Secondary Schools In Frydenberg, E. Martin, A.J. And Collie R.J. (Eds) Social and Emotional Learning In Australia And The Asia Pacific. Springer Science And Business, Singapore.

McQuaid M, & Lawn, E. (2014). Your Strengths Blueprint: How to be Engaged, Energized, and Happy at Work Paperback. Michelle McQuaid Pty Ltd (October 27, 2014)

McQuaid M, & Kern., L., P. (2017). Your Wellbeing Blueprint: Feeling Good And Doing Well At Work Paperback. ‎ Michelle McQuaid Pty Ltd (June 29, 2017).

Norrish, J. (2015). Positive education: The Geelong Grammar School journey. Oxford University Press.

Eyre, C. (2016). The Elephant in the Staffroom: How to reduce stress and improve teacher wellbeing (1st ed.). Routledge

Singer, J. (2010). The teacher’s ultimate stress mastery guide: 77 proven prescriptions to build your resilience. Corwin Press.

Hassed, C., & Chambers, R. (2014). Mindful Learning: Reduce Stress and Improve Brain Performance for Effective Learning Paperback. ReadHowYouWant (May 20, 2014).

Boniwell, I. (2012). Positive Psychology in a Nutshell: The Science of Happiness (3rd ed.). London: McGraw-Hill Education.

Harris, R. & Aisbett, B. (2013). The happiness trap pocketbook : an illustrated guide on how to stop struggling and start living. Auckland, New Zealand: Exisle Publishing.

Ambler, G., Anstey, M., McCall, T. & White, M. (2017). Flourishing in Faith Theology Encountering Positive Psychology (1st ed.). Wipf and Stock.

Roberts, F., & Wright, E. (2018). Character Toolkit for Teachers ([edition unavailable]). Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Niemiec, R. M. (2018). Character strengths interventions: A field guide for practitioners. Hogrefe Publishing.

Bethune, A. & Kell, E. (2020). A Little Guide for Teachers: Teacher Wellbeing and Self-care (1st Ed.). Corwin UK (December 18, 2020)

Brierton, K. & Gkonou, C. (2023). Cultivating Teacher Wellbeing: Supporting Teachers to Flourish and Thrive, Paperback. Cambridge University Press.

Green, A (2022). Teacher Wellbeing A Real Conversation for Teachers and Leaders. Amba Press (November 9, 2022).

Holmes, E. (2019). Practical Guide to Teacher Wellbeing. SAGE Publications, (11 Jan 2019).

White, A., M. &, McCallum, F. (2022). Transforming Teaching: Wellbeing and Professional Practice. SpringerLink.

Mansfield, F., C. (2020). Cultivating Teacher Resilience: International Approaches, Applications and Impact. SpringerLink [open access]

Kern, M., L. & Wehmeyer, M., L. (2021). The Palgrave Handbook of Positive Education. Springer Nature. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-64537-3

Green, S., & Palmer, S. (Eds.). (2018). Positive Psychology Coaching in Practice (1st ed.). Routledge.

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