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To promote the importance of teacher wellbeing & career progression across Europe
To provide an ongoing research agenda and policy recommendations for the empowerment of the teaching profession, engaging all key stakeholders in education.
Together, we can bring long term systemic impact, towards teacher wellbeing


The main objectives of the Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory are:

  • Promoting Teacher Wellbeing: We aim to raise awareness about the importance of teacher wellbeing and emphasize its impact on the overall quality of education. Through research, resources, and practical tools, we seek to support teachers in maintaining their mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
  • Advancing Teacher Professional Learning & Career Progression: We are committed to empowering teachers in their professional growth and career advancement. Our website offers guidance, resources, and best practices to help teachers navigate their career paths, develop new skills, and seize opportunities for growth, for example opportunities for professional learning and development.
  • Teacher Wellbeing & Career Index: We are committed to establishing an index that measures and evaluates teacher career progression and wellbeing at a pan-European level. This index will provide valuable insights into the current state of the teaching profession and help identify areas that require attention and improvement.
  • Research & Data Collection: We strive to collect bi-annual data from teachers at all levels, including pre-primary, primary, and secondary education, across Europe. This data will help us understand the various factors that influence their careers, wellbeing, and overall satisfaction.

  • Policy Recommendations and Advocacy: Based on our research findings and data analysis, we provide annual monitoring reports and policy recommendations. These insights will inform policymakers in shaping educational reforms, designing effective professional development programs, and ensuring a supportive environment for teachers.

  • Collaboration and Networking: The observatory fosters collaboration among public authorities, research organizations, and teacher organizations across Europe. By building strong partnerships, we create a network of stakeholders who share a common goal of supporting teacher wellbeing and career progression. This collaborative approach ensures a co-ordinated effort to bring about positive change and drive impactful initiatives.

  • Long-Term Systemic Impact: The Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory envisions a long-lasting, systemic impact on the teaching profession. By continuously monitoring and researching teacher wellbeing and career progression, we aim to drive sustainable change in education systems across Europe. Our observatory’s efforts contribute to creating a supportive and empowering environment for teachers, ultimately leading to improved educational outcomes for students.


  • secretariat

    The role of the secretariat of a European Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory would be to provide administrative, coordination, and support functions to ensure the effective operation and fulfillment of the observatory’s objectives. The secretariat acts as the central hub for the observatory, facilitating its day-to-day activities and enabling collaboration among various stakeholders. Here are some key responsibilities the secretariat would typically undertake:

    • Coordination and Communication:

    The secretariat would facilitate communication and collaboration among the observatory’s stakeholders, coordinating committee, focal points, policy advisory group and key target groups including teachers, education policymakers, researchers, and relevant organizations. It would ensure timely dissemination of information and foster knowledge-sharing through various channels, such as newsletters, websites, and online platforms.

    • Data Collection, Analysis, and Management:

    The secretariat would oversee the collection, management, and data analysis related to teacher wellbeing and career development in collaboration with the country focal points. This would involve establishing data collection protocols, collaborating with educational institutions and research bodies, and ensuring the observatory’s data infrastructure is secure and compliant with privacy regulations.

    • Networking and Collaboration:

    The secretariat would foster collaboration and networks with national teacher observatories, relevant international organizations, and educational institutions across Europe. It would facilitate the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and research outcomes, promoting cross-border cooperation and joint initiatives.

    • Policy Support:

    The secretariat would provide support in the formulation and implementation of policies aimed at improving teacher wellbeing and career development. It would engage with policymakers, contribute to policy discussions, provide evidence-based recommendations, and help monitor the impact of policies in practice.

    • Capacity Building:

    The secretariat would develop and implement capacity-building initiatives to enhance the knowledge and skills of stakeholders involved in teacher wellbeing and career development. This could include organizing training workshops, webinars, and conferences on relevant topics.

    • Monitoring and Evaluation:

    The secretariat would establish mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the observatory’s impact and effectiveness. It would develop indicators and evaluation frameworks to assess the outcomes and value of the observatory’s work, making necessary adjustments to improve its performance.

    • Funding and Resource Management:

    The secretariat would seek funding opportunities, develop funding proposals, and manage the financial resources allocated to the observatory. It would ensure efficient use of resources and maintain financial transparency and accountability.

    • Advocacy and Awareness:

    The secretariat would advocate for teacher wellbeing and career development at the European level. It would raise awareness about the importance of these issues, disseminate success stories and good practices, and advocate for policy changes and support from relevant stakeholders.

    The secretariat plays a critical role in coordinating and supporting the activities of a European Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory, ensuring effective collaboration, knowledge exchange, and evidence-based policy-making in this important domain.

  • Policy Advisory Group

    The Policy Advisory Group for the European Observatory for Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory would serve as an important body of experts and stakeholders who provide strategic guidance and policy advice. This group would offer insights and recommendations to shape the observatory’s activities, inform policy decisions, and ensure alignment with the needs of the education sector. 


    • 1-2 Universities from each participating country
    • 1-2 Teacher Unions from each country
    • Ministry of Education and/or relevant public authorities representatives from each country
    • NGOs, research centers, teacher education institutions, and other relevant organizations with expertise in Teacher training, research, Teacher wellbeing and professional development.

    Here are the key roles and responsibilities of the Policy Advisory Group:

    • Strategic Guidance and Policy Advice:

    The Policy Advisory Group would provide strategic direction and guidance to the observatory. It would help define the overall goals, priorities, and focus areas based on their expertise and knowledge of the teacher wellbeing and career development landscape.

    • Stakeholder Engagement:

    The Policy Advisory Group would serve as a bridge between the observatory and various stakeholders, including policymakers, education authorities, teacher associations, researchers, and other relevant organizations. It would engage in dialogue and consultation with these stakeholders to understand their perspectives and gather input for the observatory’s work.

    • International Cooperation:

    The Policy Advisory Group would foster collaboration and knowledge exchange with similar observatories, research institutions, and policy bodies at the international level. It would engage in discussions on global trends, comparative analyses, and policy lessons to broaden the observatory’s perspectives and facilitate cross-border learning.

    • Policy Advocacy:

    The group would advocate for the importance of teacher wellbeing and career development in policy circles, highlighting evidence-based practices and policy recommendations. It would work towards raising awareness and garnering support for policies and initiatives that improve the working conditions and professional growth of teachers.

    • Collaboration with the Secretariat and Coordinating Committee:

    The Policy Advisory Group would collaborate closely with the observatory’s secretariat, providing input and feedback on the development and implementation of the observatory’s activities. It would work in tandem with the secretariat to ensure effective communication and coordination between the advisory group and the broader observatory ecosystem.

    By fulfilling these roles, the Policy Advisory Group would contribute to evidence-based policy-making, foster collaboration, and support the mission of the European Observatory for Teacher Wellbeing and Career Development in promoting the holistic development and professional satisfaction of teachers.

  • Coordinating Committee

    The Coordinating Committee for the European Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory would play a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating the activities of the observatory. Composed of representatives from current partners and key stakeholders (2 per partner country), this committee would provide strategic direction, ensure effective collaboration, and facilitate the achievement of the observatory’s objectives. 

    Here are the key roles and responsibilities of the Coordinating Committee:

    • Strategic Planning and Fundraising:

    The Coordinating Committee would establish the strategic goals and priorities of the observatory and propose and implement fundraising activities. It would develop a strategic plan, setting out the long-term vision, objectives, and action plans to guide the observatory’s work in enhancing teacher wellbeing and career development.

    • Plan and Monitor Research:

    The committee would design and implement research (in collaboration with country focal points), monitor the collaboration activities, facilitate coordination among the various stakeholders involved in the observatory’s activities. It would ensure effective participation in research, communication, exchange of knowledge, and cooperation among member states, education authorities, teacher organizations, research institutions, and other relevant actors.

    • Monitoring and Evaluation:

    The committee would establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the observatory’s activities and impact. It would define key performance indicators, assess progress against established targets, and make necessary adjustments to ensure the observatory’s effectiveness and relevance.

    • Policy and Advocacy:

    The Coordinating Committee would engage in policy discussions, advocacy, and decision-making processes related to teacher wellbeing and career development. It would ensure that the observatory’s findings and recommendations inform policy-making at the national, European, and international levels.

    • Stakeholder Engagement:

    The committee would engage with relevant stakeholders, including education policymakers, teachers’ unions, professional associations, researchers, and other key actors in the education sector. It would seek their input, involve them in the observatory’s activities, and promote their active participation in shaping the observatory’s agenda.

    • Dissemination of Findings:

    The Coordinating Committee would oversee the dissemination of the observatory’s findings, research outcomes, and policy recommendations. It would ensure that the knowledge generated by the observatory reaches policymakers, educators, researchers, and other stakeholders who can benefit from the insights and apply them in practice.

  • Country Focal Points

    The country focal points for the European Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory would act as representatives from individual countries or regions, responsible for coordinating and facilitating the observatory’s activities at the national level. Their role would involve close collaboration with the observatory’s coordinating committee and other stakeholders. Their initial engagement will be for 3 years, pending completion of certain responsibilities, and potentially renewed. 

    From the ProW consortium, the country focal points will be 1 primary and 1 secondary member, responsible for the research and reporting. 

    • Cyprus: Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CARDET), Institute of Development (IoD)
    • Romania: University of Pitesti 
    • Portugal: University of Porto
    • Greece: IHU, University of Crete

    For organizations to join the observatory and act as country focal point(s), they need to have demonstrated expertise in teacher education, teacher research and/or wellbeing and career progression of teachers. They can be research organizations active in teacher education and/or research and/or certification of teachers including Universities, Research Centers, and public bodies. The Focal points need to have demonstrated capacity to implement research, translate and pilot the Index in their country and distribute the index and prepare the report.

    Here are the key roles and responsibilities of the country focal points:

    • National Coordination:

    The country focal points would serve as the primary contact and coordination point between the observatory and relevant national stakeholders, including education ministries, teacher associations, research institutions, and other relevant organizations. They would ensure effective communication and collaboration between the observatory and national entities.

    • Data Collection and Reporting:

    The focal points would facilitate the collection and reporting of data related to teacher wellbeing and career development at the national level. They would collaborate with relevant institutions and organizations to gather data, ensure data quality, and share the collected information with the observatory’s central database.

    • Contextualization of Research and Policy:

    The country focal points would contextualize research findings and policy recommendations generated by the observatory to align with the specific national context. They would analyze how the observatory’s insights and recommendations can be applied and adapted to address the unique challenges and priorities of their respective countries.

    • Dissemination:

    The focal points would disseminate the observatory’s findings, research outcomes, and policy recommendations at the national level. They would ensure that policymakers, education authorities, and other stakeholders in their countries have access to the relevant information and knowledge produced by the observatory.

    • Stakeholder Engagement:

    The country focal points would engage with relevant national stakeholders to gather input, solicit feedback, and promote participation in the observatory’s activities. They would involve education professionals, teachers’ unions, researchers, and other actors in shaping the observatory’s agenda and ensuring its relevance to the national context.

    • National Representation:

    The focal points would represent their countries or regions in observatory meetings, conferences, and other events. They would actively contribute to discussions, share experiences, and advocate for national priorities, ensuring that the specific needs and perspectives of their countries are considered in the observatory’s activities.

    The country’s focal points play a critical role in ensuring that the European Teacher Wellbeing and Career Observatory’s activities are effectively implemented and aligned with national contexts, policies, and needs. Through their coordination and collaboration efforts, they contribute to the observatory’s mission of improving teacher wellbeing, supporting professional growth, and enhancing the overall quality of education systems across Europe.

The European Commission’s support for the production of this website does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Punctele de vedere și opiniile exprimate aparțin, însă, exclusiv autorului (autorilor) și nu reflectă neapărat punctele de vedere și opiniile Uniunii Europene sau ale Agenției Executive Europene pentru Educație și Cultură (EACEA). Nici Uniunea Europeană și nici EACEA nu pot fi considerate răspunzătoare pentru acestea Η υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την παραγωγή του παρόντος δικτυακού τόπου δεν συνιστά έγκριση του περιεχομένου, το οποίο αντανακλά τις απόψεις μόνο των συντακτών, και η Επιτροπή δεν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί υπεύθυνη για οποιαδήποτε χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιέχονται σε αυτόν. Подкрепата на Европейската комисия за създаването на този уебсайт не представлява потвърждение на съдържанието, което отразява вижданията само на авторите и Комисията не носи отговорност за използването на съдържащата се в сайта информация. Tento projekt byl financován s podporou Evropské komise. Tato publikace odráží pouze názory autora a Komise nenese odpovědnost za jakékoli použití informací v ní obsažených De steun van de Europese Commissie voor de productie van deze publicatie houdt geen goedkeuring van de inhoud in die alleen de mening van de auteurs weerspiegelt, en de Commissie kan niet verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor enig gebruik dat van de informatie in deze publicatie wordt gemaakt. Podrška Europske komisije za proizvodnju ovih objava ne predstavlja I njezino odobrenje sadržaja koji odražavaju samo stavove autora i Europska Komisija se ograđuje od odgovornosti za bilo kakvu upotrebu informacija sadržanih u njima. Le soutien de la Commission européenne à la production de cette publication ne constitue pas une approbation du contenu qui reflète uniquement les opinions des auteurs, et la Commission ne peut être tenue responsable de l’usage qui pourrait être fait des informations qu’elle contient. Die Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission für die Erstellung dieser Veröffentlichung stellt keine Billigung des Inhalts dar, der nur die Ansichten der Autoren widerspiegelt, und die Kommission kann nicht für die Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen verantwortlich gemacht werden. Financiado pela União Europeia. Os pontos de vista e as opiniões expressas são as do(s) autor(es) e não refletem necessariamente a posição da União Europeia ou da Agência de Execução Europeia da Educação e da Cultura (EACEA). Nem a União Europeia nem a EACEA podem ser tidos como responsáveis por essas opiniões. El apoyo de la Comisión Europea a la producción de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación de su contenido, que refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en ella. Questo progetto è stato finanziato con il sostegno della Commissione Europea. L'autore è il solo responsabile di questa pubblicazione e la Commissione declina ogni responsabilità sull'uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute. Podpora Evropske komisije pri izdelavi te publikacije ne pomeni odobritve vsebine, saj odraža le stališča avtorjev in Komisija ne more biti odgovorna za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih vsebuje.
Project Number : 626146-EPP-1-2020-2-EL-EPPKA3-PI-POLICY

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